When you need to switch at the speed of light
Bridging, routing and connecting safe and secure.
Your choice is Fiber Optical Switches!
Purely Optical
The signal path through the switch is purely optical. There is no conversion to or from electrical transport. This purity provides security and disables any form of interception.
Speed Transparent
The use of optical switching brings speed transparency enabling any data speed to be transferred through the switch wihout delay or interruption.
Protocol independent
As switching occurs on level 1 there are no limitations to protocols at above levels.
There are no interferences of any kind with the data stream.
Network Star Topology
In networks the Fiber Optical Switch enables star topology routing by providing a large amount of ports to connect several workstations to the same network.
Bridging Networks
Functioning as a bridge the Fiber Optical Switch forwards messages to a certain host in the same network by using the same filter on each port and decoding the frames.
Traffic Control
The Fiber Optical Switch can be used to control traffic coming into or leaving the network, easily connecting both computers and access points.
Expanding Bandwidth
When expanding the bandwidth of LAN the Fiber Optical Switch can be used by dividing LAN into several collision domains with independent broadband